
This is the final installment for our podcast series. We saved the most important for last. Parts 1-3 were about creating, producing and hosting an entertaining podcast to grow your business. But, without ears to listen, not only will your efforts be fruitless, but your business will suffer. That's because as a business owner, any time spent on something other than your business is time taken away from making the cash register ring. So, if you're going to do a podcast for the sake of your business, it's most important that you know how to market your podcast to grow your business.

Does a Tree Make Noise...

You know the saying,"If a tree were to fall on an island where there were no human beings would there be any sound? That question was actually posed over 120 years ago in 1883 in the magazine The Chautauquan. There is an actual answer for that, which was published in another magazine, Scientific American one year after that. The answer according to the magazine's author is, "Sound is vibration, transmitted to our senses through the mechanism of the ear, and recognized as sound only at our nerve centers. The falling of the tree or any other disturbance will produce vibration of the air. If there be no ears to hear, there will be no sound."

How does this apply to you, the podcaster? Well, I think you get the point. You can't just rely on your content, good looks and great voice. You need to let the world know about it.

Why Do a Podcast?

When it comes to expanding your reach for your business, create online content that people will love. Video is the bomb, but audio podcasting isn't too far behind. Consider the facts:

  • Over40 million people search the iTunes Store for content every single month.
  • Podcasting grows around 23% a year
  • The same number of Americans who use Twitter, listen to podcasts.
  • Podcasts are growing because of mobility.
  • Weekly podcast listeners, listen up to 5 different shows a week.
  • Demographic: 12-54 year olds listen to podcasts

How to Market Your Podcast to Grow Your Business

Our Director of eWomen Digital Advantage, Margaret Croom, appeared as a guest on my eWN Radio Network show, "Spotlight on eWomenNetwork," to offer her advice on how to market your podcast to grow your business. The podcast will be posted here on Wednesday, December 21st by 5pm CST. Here's the gist of it:

Find Your Niche

Niche. Niche. Niche.  What is a niche? A niche is a specific focus.  What space in the podcast world are you wanting to carve out?  WHAT DISTINGUISHES YOU? Who are you speaking to?  You are NOT speaking to anyone and everyone.  You must provide value and if you know who your audience is, then you will be able to provide valuable verbal content. Essentially, your audience is your ideal client.

Your Show Guest

Ask those you interview to share the podcast.  Give them the “text” and the link. Another way to engage your guest is to be a guest on someone else’s podcast.  Return the favor and have them on your show too. If you scratch someone else’s back, it will come back to benefit you.  Believe it or not … there is enough audience to go around.

How to Market Your Podcast to Grow Your Business

Social Media

Use a scheduler like Hootsuite to schedule posts every day.   You should have plenty to share.

  1. Build up content before the podcast 3 days in advance.
  2. Share insights 3 days after the podcast as follow up.
  3. Post your podcast on your Facebook business page.  Boost that post to your ideal audience for as little as $5.  What is it worth to you?  If you can spend $30 ($10 a day) for three days every week, you will build that audience quickly.  You can get to your niche audience by choosing “behaviors” and/or “interests” when placing an ad.
  4. Twitter allows an app called Stitcher to broadcast from Twitter. Use the link from Stitcher for your show and a widget will appear on your Twitter post.  Your audience can click on it and listen from Twitter!

Be Consistent

Be consistent.  Continually improve your podcast.  Go back and listen after it airs and respond to comments on Social Media or on the platform.  Consistency is evergreen … meaning you will never stop .. ever.  Continue to grow, get better, listen to suggestions of improvement, give your listeners what they want and they will talk about you and your podcast.

Audience Engagement

Can your audience engage with you? Do you provide opportunity to post comments and then you actually respond?  Do not make this a one way street so the audience can listen to me talk.  Create a Private Facebook Group where your audience can chat with you and others who are interested in your podcast.

Audience Shares the Love

You must be your BIGGEST ADVOCATE.  With social platforms, community groups online and email,  you should be able to launch a podcast and then ask that first audience to help you spread the word. But, you must create content your ideal audience (client) will love and want to share with their peeps. Their peeps, are also your peeps, so if they recommend your show then your ideal audience (client) will grow as well.


Do not forget this.  It’s massively important.  What are the “next steps” for your listeners?  Tell them.  Send them to your website to download notes or ask then to sign up for more info on that episode.  Ask a question so that they will comment or share with you on social media.

eMail Lead Nurture Campaign

Make sure you have an email broadcast platform, such as InfusionSoft  that allows you to schedule emails. Then “nurture” those who read them with more emails based on what they clicked on. An email nurturing campaign always begins with offering some kind of value first. It's never about selling. Create an email campaign that consists of several layers. Your first email could be a week before your podcast promoting a blog you wrote on the topic of your upcoming podcast. Then the day before your podcast airs, promote your podcast. Make sure you're offering benefits of your content, such as bullet points explaining what they'll learn or promoting a really great guest. Then the day after it airs, you can send another email that tells them they can listen on your website where they can also get some kind of download for free, such as a webinar, eBook or whitepaper.

Video Your Podcast!

Record your podcast and post it on Facebook and YouTube.  Even better … if you want to get immediate organic reach … turn on Facebook Live while you record.  People love to be voyeurs! Watch it here!

Offer Your Resources for FREE!

After 5 episodes, gather them up and make a resource download to give away for free … except it’s not!  Grab those email addresses who want your download offer, “FREE COPY OF RESOURCES I USE TO …" as a lead generator to your sales funnel.

Maximize Your Exposure on iTunes

Ask others in the podcasting community to listen to your podcast, comment and review on iTunes.  iTunes uses reviews to determine your ranking. The higher your ranking, the more you will generate interest from others who are want to know what the buzz is all about.

There You Have It..

So, now you are equipped to not only create a fabulous podcast with juicy content, but you have the tools to make sure it gets heard. If you are interested in hosting a podcast on eWN Radio Network that is connected to tens of thousands of women entrepreneurs, apply at

As I say at the end of my podcast..."Until next time.."

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Author, Phyllis Smith
Content Manager, eWomenNetwork 


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